Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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State Data and statistics on our faculty

In 2010, the Faculty of Humanities has granted credits in a total of 57,744 comprehensive examination.

These tests are divided according to the following percentages:

L - LIN .......................... .20 , 9%
L - FIL - LET ................. 20.7%

M - STO .......... .............. 14.2%
L - ART ........................ . 11.4%
M - FILE .......................... 11.1%
M - GGR ........................ 4.9%
L - ANT ......................... 4.3%
SPS ................................ 2.5%
SEC ............................. 1.7%
L - OR ........................... 1.1%
M - PSI .......................... 1.1%

which .................................. 6.2%

Differenza 2009 - 2010

L - ANT: 2451 - 2479 .................( +1.1% )
L - ART: 6842-6565 ..................( -4.1% )
L-FIL-LET: 11387 to 11951 ........( +4.9%)
L - LIN: 11931 to 12064 ...............( +1.1% )
L - O: 379 -612 .........................( +61.5%)
M - FIL: 6611 - 6404 ...................( -3.1%)
M - GGR: 3103 to 2817 ............ ....( -9.2%)
M - PSI: 629-635 ......................( +0.9% )
M - STO: 8485 - 8216 ................( -3.2%)
SECS: 735-996 ......... ................( +35.5%)
SPS: from 2065 to 1443 ................... .....( -30.1%)
Miscellaneous: 4174 to 3592 ........................( -14% )

TOTALE ESAMI 2008: .............63358
TOTALE ESAMI 2009: .............58792 ( -7,9% )
TOTALE ESAMI 2010: .......... 57774 ( -1,7% )

TESI 2010:

Corsi di laurea Magistrali :............. 882
Corsi di laurea Triennali :............... 1863


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