Sunday, March 13, 2011

Preparation H On Dogs?

Mario Draghi and Don Ciotti in

DRAGONS: "The mafia infiltration slows the growth of Italy"

Bank of Italy Governor State University Milan. "The crisis makes companies more can attack by organized crime. "Lombardy, is warning gangs"

by the newspaper La Repubblica online

LONDON - The Mafia slow growth of the country. He has no doubt the Bank of Italy governor, Mario Draghi, who spoke today at a meeting with Don Luigi Ciotti, president of the Anti-mafia free to ' University of Milan. "L' Italian economy suffers long, we know, an inhibition to grow, "said Draghi, stressing as the causes are multiple, different in nature and intertwined with each other. "And among the factors inhibiting - he said - there is also the mafia infiltration in the productive structure, which has increased in recent decades, at least in its geographical distribution." And then: "Tackling the gangs, the hold that they are still in the South, the infiltration attempt in the North, it serves to strengthen the social fiber of the country but also to remove a brake to slow down the path of our economy."

"The crisis makes companies more attack" . "The crisis we have experienced over the past three years - said the governor - certainly has not improved things quite a few companies, which have seen dramatically reduced cash flows and market value, have become more easily attacked by the crime. "" If the social and political effects of organized crime are recognized and studied, those flights are less so. But no less dangerous, "said Draghi stressing that the costs of crime to the community" rise
enormously if the crime is organized. "Furthermore, in an economy infiltrated by the mafia" competition is averted " .

"Pollution Mafia punishes young people honest" . "One of our studio - went on to recall the governor - has documented a strong presence in the economies criminal businesses are more expensive the credit. "Furthermore, in those areas is more ruinous destruction of capital resulting from pollution of local politics" and "young people emigrate to more" Almost a third of them are university graduates moving to the north search of better prospects. A phenomenon, according to Dragons, "particularly painful pollution Mafia fold the hopes of honest young and educated, which could improve the communities that generate them and instead choose to have no other way to go." "All these costs hamper the economic development of the territories involved, the whole country," said the governor.

The danger of ingress aumenta . "In Lombardia l'infiltrazione delle cosche avanza, come ha recentemente avvertito la Direzione Nazionale Antimafia", ha detto Draghi-"Le denuncie per associazione a delinquere di stampo mafioso - ha proseguito il governatore - si sono concentrate fra il 2004 e il 2009 per quattro quinti nelle province di Milano, Bergamo e Brescia". La "criminalità organizzata può sfibrare il tessuto di una società, può mettere a repentaglio la democrazia, frenarla dove debba ancora consolidarsi". Lo ha detto il governatore della Banca d'Italia, Mario Draghi, intervenendo ad un convegno sulle mafie a Milano e nel Nord presso l'Università Statale del capoluogo lombardo. "Nel nostro Mezzogiorno - ha aggiunto il governatore - le organizzazioni mafia stand for historical longevity, local roots, capillarity.


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