Data and statistics second part: grade point averages and graduate course
Media dei voti della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia per l' a.a. 2009/2010 :
- 27,19
Media voti per corsi di laurea
- Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale: 27,12
- Scienze dei Beni Culturali: 27,04
- Filosofia: 28,11
- SUA: 25,68
- Storia: 27,64
- Lettere: non pervenuto
- Lingue: non pervenuto
- Scienze Um. Comunicazione: in linea con la Facoltà
Average of student grades Faculty :
- degrees: 103.14
- Master Degree: 108.04
Average of student grades of individual courses :
- Bachelor Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures: 101.5
- Bachelor Sc Cultural Heritage: 102.27
- Bachelor Sc Hum. Communication: 102.4
- Bachelor History: 104.13
- Bachelor degree Philosophy: 106.86
- Bachelor Sc Human Environment: 98.27
- Bachelor Letters: 26% di 30 L; 27% tra 106 e 110
- Laurea magistrale Lingue letterature straniere: 107,5
- Laurea magistrale Sc. Beni Culturali: 108, 54
- Laurea magistrale Sc. Um. Comunicazione: ciclo non concluso
- Laurea magistrale Scienze Storiche: 107,59
- Laurea magistrale Filosofia: 109,00
- Laurea magistrale Sc. Umane Ambiente: non pervenuto
- Laurea magistrale St. e Cult. Sistemi Editoriali: 107,76
Numero di studenti laureati IN CORSO per la Facoltà (lauree triennali) :
- 41.41%
number of graduate students in the running for degree (bachelor) :
- Sc Cultural Heritage: 28%
- Sc Um. Environment: 34.7%
- History: 43.18%
- Sc Hum. Communication: 60%
- Philosophy: 53%
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Preparation H On Dogs?
Mario Draghi and Don Ciotti in
DRAGONS: "The mafia infiltration slows the growth of Italy"
"The crisis makes companies more attack" . "The crisis we have experienced over the past three years - said the governor - certainly has not improved things quite a few companies, which have seen dramatically reduced cash flows and market value, have become more easily attacked by the crime. "" If the social and political effects of organized crime are recognized and studied, those flights are less so. But no less dangerous, "said Draghi stressing that the costs of crime to the community" rise
enormously if the crime is organized. "Furthermore, in an economy infiltrated by the mafia" competition is averted " .
"Pollution Mafia punishes young people honest" . "One of our studio - went on to recall the governor - has documented a strong presence in the economies criminal businesses are more expensive the credit. "Furthermore, in those areas is more ruinous destruction of capital resulting from pollution of local politics" and "young people emigrate to more" Almost a third of them are university graduates moving to the north search of better prospects. A phenomenon, according to Dragons, "particularly painful pollution Mafia fold the hopes of honest young and educated, which could improve the communities that generate them and instead choose to have no other way to go." "All these costs hamper the economic development of the territories involved, the whole country," said the governor.
The danger of ingress aumenta . "In Lombardia l'infiltrazione delle cosche avanza, come ha recentemente avvertito la Direzione Nazionale Antimafia", ha detto Draghi-"Le denuncie per associazione a delinquere di stampo mafioso - ha proseguito il governatore - si sono concentrate fra il 2004 e il 2009 per quattro quinti nelle province di Milano, Bergamo e Brescia". La "criminalità organizzata può sfibrare il tessuto di una società, può mettere a repentaglio la democrazia, frenarla dove debba ancora consolidarsi". Lo ha detto il governatore della Banca d'Italia, Mario Draghi, intervenendo ad un convegno sulle mafie a Milano e nel Nord presso l'Università Statale del capoluogo lombardo. "Nel nostro Mezzogiorno - ha aggiunto il governatore - le organizzazioni mafia stand for historical longevity, local roots, capillarity.
DRAGONS: "The mafia infiltration slows the growth of Italy"
Bank of Italy Governor State University Milan. "The crisis makes companies more can attack by organized crime. "Lombardy, is warning gangs"
by the newspaper La Repubblica online
LONDON - The Mafia slow growth of the country. He has no doubt the Bank of Italy governor, Mario Draghi, who spoke today at a meeting with Don Luigi Ciotti, president of the Anti-mafia free to ' University of Milan. "L' Italian economy suffers long, we know, an inhibition to grow, "said Draghi, stressing as the causes are multiple, different in nature and intertwined with each other. "And among the factors inhibiting - he said - there is also the mafia infiltration in the productive structure, which has increased in recent decades, at least in its geographical distribution." And then: "Tackling the gangs, the hold that they are still in the South, the infiltration attempt in the North, it serves to strengthen the social fiber of the country but also to remove a brake to slow down the path of our economy."
"The crisis makes companies more attack" . "The crisis we have experienced over the past three years - said the governor - certainly has not improved things quite a few companies, which have seen dramatically reduced cash flows and market value, have become more easily attacked by the crime. "" If the social and political effects of organized crime are recognized and studied, those flights are less so. But no less dangerous, "said Draghi stressing that the costs of crime to the community" rise
"Pollution Mafia punishes young people honest" . "One of our studio - went on to recall the governor - has documented a strong presence in the economies criminal businesses are more expensive the credit. "Furthermore, in those areas is more ruinous destruction of capital resulting from pollution of local politics" and "young people emigrate to more" Almost a third of them are university graduates moving to the north search of better prospects. A phenomenon, according to Dragons, "particularly painful pollution Mafia fold the hopes of honest young and educated, which could improve the communities that generate them and instead choose to have no other way to go." "All these costs hamper the economic development of the territories involved, the whole country," said the governor.
The danger of ingress aumenta . "In Lombardia l'infiltrazione delle cosche avanza, come ha recentemente avvertito la Direzione Nazionale Antimafia", ha detto Draghi-"Le denuncie per associazione a delinquere di stampo mafioso - ha proseguito il governatore - si sono concentrate fra il 2004 e il 2009 per quattro quinti nelle province di Milano, Bergamo e Brescia". La "criminalità organizzata può sfibrare il tessuto di una società, può mettere a repentaglio la democrazia, frenarla dove debba ancora consolidarsi". Lo ha detto il governatore della Banca d'Italia, Mario Draghi, intervenendo ad un convegno sulle mafie a Milano e nel Nord presso l'Università Statale del capoluogo lombardo. "Nel nostro Mezzogiorno - ha aggiunto il governatore - le organizzazioni mafia stand for historical longevity, local roots, capillarity.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pokemonheart Gold Game Online
State Data and statistics on our faculty
In 2010, the Faculty of Humanities has granted credits in a total of 57,744 comprehensive examination.
These tests are divided according to the following percentages:
L - LIN .......................... .20 , 9%
L - FIL - LET ................. 20.7%
M - STO .......... .............. 14.2%
L - ART ........................ . 11.4%
M - FILE .......................... 11.1%
M - GGR ........................ 4.9%
L - ANT ......................... 4.3%
SPS ................................ 2.5%
SEC ............................. 1.7%
L - OR ........................... 1.1%
M - PSI .......................... 1.1%
which .................................. 6.2%
Differenza 2009 - 2010
L - ANT: 2451 - 2479 .................( +1.1% )
L - ART: 6842-6565 ..................( -4.1% )
L-FIL-LET: 11387 to 11951 ........( +4.9%)
L - LIN: 11931 to 12064 ...............( +1.1% )
L - O: 379 -612 .........................( +61.5%)
M - FIL: 6611 - 6404 ...................( -3.1%)
M - GGR: 3103 to 2817 ............ ....( -9.2%)
M - PSI: 629-635 ......................( +0.9% )
M - STO: 8485 - 8216 ................( -3.2%)
SECS: 735-996 ......... ................( +35.5%)
SPS: from 2065 to 1443 ................... .....( -30.1%)
Miscellaneous: 4174 to 3592 ........................( -14% )
TOTALE ESAMI 2008: .............63358
TOTALE ESAMI 2009: .............58792 ( -7,9% )
TOTALE ESAMI 2010: .......... 57774 ( -1,7% )
TESI 2010:
Corsi di laurea Magistrali :............. 882
Corsi di laurea Triennali :............... 1863
In 2010, the Faculty of Humanities has granted credits in a total of 57,744 comprehensive examination.
These tests are divided according to the following percentages:
L - LIN .......................... .20 , 9%
L - FIL - LET ................. 20.7%
M - STO .......... .............. 14.2%
L - ART ........................ . 11.4%
M - FILE .......................... 11.1%
M - GGR ........................ 4.9%
L - ANT ......................... 4.3%
SPS ................................ 2.5%
SEC ............................. 1.7%
L - OR ........................... 1.1%
M - PSI .......................... 1.1%
which .................................. 6.2%
Differenza 2009 - 2010
L - ANT: 2451 - 2479 .................( +1.1% )
L - ART: 6842-6565 ..................( -4.1% )
L-FIL-LET: 11387 to 11951 ........( +4.9%)
L - LIN: 11931 to 12064 ...............( +1.1% )
L - O: 379 -612 .........................( +61.5%)
M - FIL: 6611 - 6404 ...................( -3.1%)
M - GGR: 3103 to 2817 ............ ....( -9.2%)
M - PSI: 629-635 ......................( +0.9% )
M - STO: 8485 - 8216 ................( -3.2%)
SECS: 735-996 ......... ................( +35.5%)
SPS: from 2065 to 1443 ................... .....( -30.1%)
Miscellaneous: 4174 to 3592 ........................( -14% )
TOTALE ESAMI 2008: .............63358
TOTALE ESAMI 2009: .............58792 ( -7,9% )
TOTALE ESAMI 2010: .......... 57774 ( -1,7% )
TESI 2010:
Corsi di laurea Magistrali :............. 882
Corsi di laurea Triennali :............... 1863
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tiffany Granath Squirters
streets to the Constitution: March 12 in Milan
Condividiamo l'appello alla società civile per la manifestazione in programma il 12 marzo:
Una grande manifestazione prevista per il March 12 in all Italian cities and in Largo Cairoli, Milan, from 15 to 19. In
hand we have the Tricolour and the Constitution .
The initiative is part of a national mobilization that will have as its epicenter Rome and is open to anyone who believes that the Constitution is a sum of rights and duties for all citizens and all citizens who are sovereign in their own country , without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions. E 'organized to defend the values \u200b\u200bof republican legality - all too often violated with impunity - and the dignity of constitutional che non dev’essere calpestata. Vuole ribadire la necessità della certezza del diritto, che è il primo bene pubblico indispensabile per ciascun cittadino, di qualunque schieramento. Per questo motivo si preferisce non vi siano simboli riconducibili a partiti o sindacati, nel rispetto dell’iniziativa che vuol’essere trasversale ed aperta a chiunque vi si riconosca.
Unica bandiera ammessa sarà il Tricolore, unico simbolo la Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana.
Difendiamo la Costituzione, diciamo No alla Legge Bavaglio, Sì alle dimissioni del Presidente del Consiglio.
L'evento su Facebook
Condividiamo l'appello alla società civile per la manifestazione in programma il 12 marzo:
Una grande manifestazione prevista per il March 12 in all Italian cities and in Largo Cairoli, Milan, from 15 to 19. In
hand we have the Tricolour and the Constitution .
The initiative is part of a national mobilization that will have as its epicenter Rome and is open to anyone who believes that the Constitution is a sum of rights and duties for all citizens and all citizens who are sovereign in their own country , without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions. E 'organized to defend the values \u200b\u200bof republican legality - all too often violated with impunity - and the dignity of constitutional che non dev’essere calpestata. Vuole ribadire la necessità della certezza del diritto, che è il primo bene pubblico indispensabile per ciascun cittadino, di qualunque schieramento. Per questo motivo si preferisce non vi siano simboli riconducibili a partiti o sindacati, nel rispetto dell’iniziativa che vuol’essere trasversale ed aperta a chiunque vi si riconosca.
Unica bandiera ammessa sarà il Tricolore, unico simbolo la Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana.
Difendiamo la Costituzione, diciamo No alla Legge Bavaglio, Sì alle dimissioni del Presidente del Consiglio.
L'evento su Facebook
Monday, March 7, 2011
Jumping Balloons In El Paso
Poetry Competition Universes
poems and short essays contest open to all students in the State, an invitation to showcase their talent and creativity!
Poems may be submitted by March 21, 2011 .
The winning poems will be published in an anthology , which will then be distributed free to students.
Ai nostri banchetti, nel dispenser all'ingresso e nella nostra auletta (Aula Pesci, nel seminterrato dopo il bronxlab) potete trovare il volume dello scorso anno .
* Il concorso è finanziato dai fondi d'Ateneo per le attività social and cultural 2010/2011.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Brazilian Wax Instructional Videlo
CCD History of Investigation on March 3, 2011
Brief session of the CCD, largely convened to approve the 2011/2012 Training Plan Offer within the deadlines set by the Faculty. It unanimously approved the minutes of the previous session.
Communications :
- - The President Canavero inform on the progress of the CCD Commission Statute. The Commission should complete its work by the summer. According to preliminary rumors there will be no significant changes with regard to education (despite the elimination of degree programs, current educational division should remain the same). More problematic is the revision of Article IV, which probably will include the abolition of the Faculty Council and Councils Coordination Committee. Our student representative Federico Leva will ensure the proper progress of work and maintain the role of student representation.
- - Canavero The President shall submit to the new CCD Plan 'offerings. Of particular note during the activation of the Constitutional History from 9 CFU entrusted to Antonielli and the suspension of Professor of History of Eastern Europe Lami.
- - Vengono sollevate perplessità per quanto riguarda la categorizzazione nel settore M-STO/04 (Storia Contemporanea) anziché in M-STO/02 (Storia Moderna) del corso di Storia delle Donne e dell’Identità di Genere tenuto dalla prof.ssa Brambilla, ma tale indicazione è dettata dal regolamento generale d’Ateneo.
- Il CCD approva il POF all’unanimità
I rappresentanti degli University Students Left
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Skate Sharpener Craigslist
Sending Sms Of New Born Baby
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Brent Corrigan School Cush
Artist's Lecture - Serena Sinigaglia and the company ATIR First
continues the 2010-2011 edition of Classes organized by Artist Left University. On March 8, Classroom 201 met director Serena Sinigaglia and ATIR Theatre Company.
ATIR The Company tells the students their own path of staging three shows, a journey of discovery and analysis of three eras that have marked human history inextricably contemporary
"1943 - As a Desperados Under The Eaves " , " 1968 "and " 1989 - collapse. "
The discussion with the artists is integrated moments of performative university that will offer the audience ideas, themes and reflections on topics already met on school books.
help spread the event on facebook
continues the 2010-2011 edition of Classes organized by Artist Left University. On March 8, Classroom 201 met director Serena Sinigaglia and ATIR Theatre Company.
ATIR The Company tells the students their own path of staging three shows, a journey of discovery and analysis of three eras that have marked human history inextricably contemporary
"1943 - As a Desperados Under The Eaves " , " 1968 "and " 1989 - collapse. "
The discussion with the artists is integrated moments of performative university that will offer the audience ideas, themes and reflections on topics already met on school books.
help spread the event on facebook
Baby Shower Flower Arangements
March 2011 - day without us. The migrants are mobilizing
So from Milan to Rome, p assando to Turin, Naples, Palermo And many other cities still are lots of initiatives promoted throughout to put the focus of the living and working conditions of migrants.
After the success of last year, when over 300 thousand people were mobilized throughout Italy , migrants, and not only to return to their voices heard today, Tuesday, March 1, is in fact the day of the "Twenty-four hours without us," the day when workers and foreign workers, but also Italians, they stop and show to light a beacon on the issue of migrants and for claiming their rights to say no to racism, the Bossi-Fini law, the security package, the CIE and to ensure a more just and multicultural society.
"We want the Italian squares, 1 March 2011, come back to yellow color (the official color of the event) - the statement of the promoters - that old and new citizens come back to make their voices heard and that workers use the tools available to them to say no to the policies of exclusion and discrimination. "
And if last year was the hunt of immigrant Rosarno to characterize the mobilization, this year the pressure comes more from the south: the riots of North Africa, the situation in Libya , the courage of young North Africans. All items will be firmly established in many places today will be filled with migrants and Italians.
"We want the Italian squares, 1 March 2011, come back to yellow color (the official color of the event) - the statement of the promoters - that old and new citizens come back to make their voices heard and that workers use the tools available to them to say no to the policies of exclusion and discrimination. "
And if last year was the hunt of immigrant Rosarno to characterize the mobilization, this year the pressure comes more from the south: the riots of North Africa, the situation in Libya , the courage of young North Africans. All items will be firmly established in many places today will be filled with migrants and Italians.
Yes because the organizers stress that it is today is not a strike ethnic : "There has never been and there is this idea," it said in the call released by the committee before March. There is instead the idea of \u200b\u200ba "mobilization of immigrants and Italians together against the blackmail, racism, exploitation."
So from Milan to Rome, p assando to Turin, Naples, Palermo And many other cities still are lots of initiatives promoted throughout to put the focus of the living and working conditions of migrants.
In Milan, the appointment is at 18.00 in Piazza Duca D'Aosta.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Digital Playground New Movie Online
Exhibition of photographs of the trash room Chiara Tesi
Il 2 marzo inizia l'esposizione itinerante delle fotografie del concorso La Camera Chiara organizzato da Sinistra Universitaria .
Verranno premiate le fotografie vincitrici delle tre categorie previste dall'edizione 2010 (Cultura migrante - Milano by night - Riti quotidiani), che saranno esposte insieme a TUTTE le fotografie in gara.
L'esposizione verrà installata nell'atrio/corridoio antistante l'aula magna del polo di Via Festa del Perdono dal 2 al 9 marzo.
Il 2 marzo inizia l'esposizione itinerante delle fotografie del concorso La Camera Chiara organizzato da Sinistra Universitaria .
Verranno premiate le fotografie vincitrici delle tre categorie previste dall'edizione 2010 (Cultura migrante - Milano by night - Riti quotidiani), che saranno esposte insieme a TUTTE le fotografie in gara.
L'esposizione verrà installata nell'atrio/corridoio antistante l'aula magna del polo di Via Festa del Perdono dal 2 al 9 marzo.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Days Of The Week Boxer Shorts
Cari Studenti,
Due giorni fa, alcuni studenti della nostra Facoltà hanno potuto documentare un episodio che si può definire sconcertante. All’interno di uno dei cassonetti del riciclo della carta hanno infatti ritrovato decine e decine di Tesi semplicemente buttate, avviate al riciclo.
Si tratta di uno scandalo davvero difficile da spiegare. Impossible to justify. It offends the commitment graduation of students, frustrates the considerable costs for printing and binding, and shows an enormous waste of resources. But above all affects the relationship between students and academic institutions, further away these two worlds, showing that our commitment, our resources and our work at the end are simply recycled.
The question arises: Why, for each student is asked three prints of thesis? Why we must deliver two (one for the archives and one for the speaker) then if the archive contains only the electronic format and the rapporteur from As the video shows, has thrown them away after a few months? Why should we spend on average one hundred
€ per person if three copies of the thesis then the only remaining "to posteris memoriae" is in our hands?
blame the bureaucracy of the University who do not want to abandon a tradition? Disinterest in the workplace and the economy of the students? Lobby of a phantom copy shops (do not believe it, but the situation is so ironic that a case could be ...)
The reaction of the students in the video, "deliver them to their rightful owners," "bring them in front of the classrooms," is really the first step to change the situation to embarrass the institution.
We all go from our speakers to ask to see our work and, if they are trashed, because we do ask print three copies. We have to go to raise the issue and get a change.
With the promise that we will remain vigilant to the problem and bring it in Faculty Council and Academic Senate , we guarantee you will not end it all with this video.
Representatives of the Left University of Political Science
Cari Studenti,
Due giorni fa, alcuni studenti della nostra Facoltà hanno potuto documentare un episodio che si può definire sconcertante. All’interno di uno dei cassonetti del riciclo della carta hanno infatti ritrovato decine e decine di Tesi semplicemente buttate, avviate al riciclo.
Si tratta di uno scandalo davvero difficile da spiegare. Impossible to justify. It offends the commitment graduation of students, frustrates the considerable costs for printing and binding, and shows an enormous waste of resources. But above all affects the relationship between students and academic institutions, further away these two worlds, showing that our commitment, our resources and our work at the end are simply recycled.
The question arises: Why, for each student is asked three prints of thesis? Why we must deliver two (one for the archives and one for the speaker) then if the archive contains only the electronic format and the rapporteur from As the video shows, has thrown them away after a few months? Why should we spend on average one hundred
€ per person if three copies of the thesis then the only remaining "to posteris memoriae" is in our hands?
blame the bureaucracy of the University who do not want to abandon a tradition? Disinterest in the workplace and the economy of the students? Lobby of a phantom copy shops (do not believe it, but the situation is so ironic that a case could be ...)
The reaction of the students in the video, "deliver them to their rightful owners," "bring them in front of the classrooms," is really the first step to change the situation to embarrass the institution.
We all go from our speakers to ask to see our work and, if they are trashed, because we do ask print three copies. We have to go to raise the issue and get a change.
With the promise that we will remain vigilant to the problem and bring it in Faculty Council and Academic Senate , we guarantee you will not end it all with this video.
Representatives of the Left University of Political Science
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How To Estimate Oil Temperature Cooking
The manufacture of your favorite graphic novel does not leave a spare minute, nor a neuron unused, pencil and ink consumed in abundance, tired eyes in front of the PC in the use of kinetic and tamarrissimi glow.
But it pays off. We are producing
unlikely to speed, we're giving it all and it is right that you enjoy it, even partially (for now), fruits.
So here comes the new update blo g!!
Please be patient if we can not post more, we realized that the amount of plot twists that do NOT want to ruin it is truly remarkable and greatly conditions the choice of tables to display!
you soon, con altre tavole e news dal mondo del
Romabot Centurion!!!!!
The manufacture of your favorite graphic novel does not leave a spare minute, nor a neuron unused, pencil and ink consumed in abundance, tired eyes in front of the PC in the use of kinetic and tamarrissimi glow.
But it pays off. We are producing
unlikely to speed, we're giving it all and it is right that you enjoy it, even partially (for now), fruits.
So here comes the new update blo g!!
Please be patient if we can not post more, we realized that the amount of plot twists that do NOT want to ruin it is truly remarkable and greatly conditions the choice of tables to display!
you soon, con altre tavole e news dal mondo del
Romabot Centurion!!!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Queen Bed And Cargo Van
in Political Science Faculty Council - February 16, 2011
E ntrata into force of the Gelmini Reform (Law 240/2010) and DM 17 (educational organization )
Ministerial Decree 17 provided that there is a minimum number of teachers for each are more curriculum-teachers need most is the amount of funds, so our faculty has been forced to abolish those curricula that would not be able to support financially. Completata la riorganizzazione dei corsi di laurea secondo la nuova normativa, ne verrà come sempre data comunicazione sul sito di Facoltà. Per noi studenti non dovrebbe cambiare quasi nulla , avendo comunque la possibilità di scegliere fra gli stessi esami già in vigore, e disponendo, al posto dei curricula, di percorsi “consigliati” per poter accedere alle magistrali prescelte senza debiti formativi.
Il Consiglio di Facoltà ha approvato la proposta di revisione degli ordinamenti delle lauree magistrali presentata dalla Education Commission of February 15, that is available on this point our guide Commission.
E rasmus
were published new calls Erasmus for the next academic year. Applications may be submitted until March 1 .
On 18 February at 10:30 in classroom Alfa (via Mercalli 21) Professor Gareau will hold a briefing session for interested students .
has been completed the restructuring of sede di Mercalli 21, per cui dall’anno prossimo saranno accessibili tutte le aule dell’edificio. Il problema, che potrebbe causare diversi disagi, è che proprio a partire dall’anno prossimo inizierà la ristrutturazione di Mercalli 23 (l’edificio più vecchio), e non saranno quindi disponibili tutte le aule di quella sede, che non sono poche.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Lo Hombres De Paco Streaming
Education Commission: teacher training
E' stato approvato il DM 249 sulla formazione degli insegnanti . Con esso viene fissata una nuova normativa per l'accesso alla professione di insegnante nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado ( scuole medie inferiori ). Nella prima applicazione della legge infatti non si fa ancora menzione dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale per l'insegnamento nelle scuole secondarie superiori.
La nuova normativa introduce:
- corsi di Laurea Magistrale o curricola specifici riservati a chi abbia intenzione di intraprendere la professione di insegnante; tali corsi e curricoli saranno a numero programmato, in ragione dell'assorbimento che si può prevedere da parte del mercato del lavoro
- il TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) , che prevede attività didattiche presso le università e tirocinio presso le scuole, organizzato dalle università in accordo con le direzioni scolastiche regionali, anch'esso a numero chiuso, al termine del quale si acquisisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento per una specific class.
The University of Milan, while awaiting further guidance ministry, is preparing the necessary educational courses aimed at access to the teaching profession, as required by the decree.
For graduate students / graduates and those currently enrolled in degree courses, however, apply the transitional provisions of the decree:
- students who have already obtained a Master of Science (or specialist or four) will be admitted directly to ' examination for admission to training, provided they possess the requirements of the DM 22/2005 (the text that previously governed the subject) . Yes This follows from a shameful discrimination against those students who do not have those requirements and which are denied the chance to remedy their situation
- for students who are at. a. 2010/2011 enrolled in the Master will conclude their training and access after an examination for admission to the internship, as in the previous case, they will be permitted provided they satisfy the requirements of the previous standard of 2005.
Please note that the decree does not mention the possibility of acquiring, through individual courses, after the date of entry into force of the decree, any claims lacking regarding the requirements for access to training. It is recommended shall therefore in your study plan credits required for this since e. Courses individual whose registration has taken place within February 15, 2011 will instead be treated as valid
Tomorrow the Faculty Council shall decide on arrangements for education announced today by the presidents of the degree of Humanities and Languages:
- LM14 ( Modern Literature) and LM15 (Modern Philology): curricula are abolished (to support the minimum numbers of teaching Gelmini imposed by law), but it preserves the possibility of specialization through the choice of tests to be supported. The LM14 also include credits in educational fields teaching in order to activate the route, aimed at teaching specialization.
- LM Languages \u200b\u200bLiterature as in the case above, this degree will revise the law to include new subject areas within which to achieve Cfu necessary for specialization in order to teach.
E' stato approvato il DM 249 sulla formazione degli insegnanti . Con esso viene fissata una nuova normativa per l'accesso alla professione di insegnante nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado ( scuole medie inferiori ). Nella prima applicazione della legge infatti non si fa ancora menzione dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale per l'insegnamento nelle scuole secondarie superiori.
La nuova normativa introduce:
- corsi di Laurea Magistrale o curricola specifici riservati a chi abbia intenzione di intraprendere la professione di insegnante; tali corsi e curricoli saranno a numero programmato, in ragione dell'assorbimento che si può prevedere da parte del mercato del lavoro
- il TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) , che prevede attività didattiche presso le università e tirocinio presso le scuole, organizzato dalle università in accordo con le direzioni scolastiche regionali, anch'esso a numero chiuso, al termine del quale si acquisisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento per una specific class.
The University of Milan, while awaiting further guidance ministry, is preparing the necessary educational courses aimed at access to the teaching profession, as required by the decree.
For graduate students / graduates and those currently enrolled in degree courses, however, apply the transitional provisions of the decree:
- students who have already obtained a Master of Science (or specialist or four) will be admitted directly to ' examination for admission to training, provided they possess the requirements of the DM 22/2005 (the text that previously governed the subject) . Yes This follows from a shameful discrimination against those students who do not have those requirements and which are denied the chance to remedy their situation
- for students who are at. a. 2010/2011 enrolled in the Master will conclude their training and access after an examination for admission to the internship, as in the previous case, they will be permitted provided they satisfy the requirements of the previous standard of 2005.
Please note that the decree does not mention the possibility of acquiring, through individual courses, after the date of entry into force of the decree, any claims lacking regarding the requirements for access to training. It is recommended shall therefore in your study plan credits required for this since e. Courses individual whose registration has taken place within February 15, 2011 will instead be treated as valid
Tomorrow the Faculty Council shall decide on arrangements for education announced today by the presidents of the degree of Humanities and Languages:
- LM14 ( Modern Literature) and LM15 (Modern Philology): curricula are abolished (to support the minimum numbers of teaching Gelmini imposed by law), but it preserves the possibility of specialization through the choice of tests to be supported. The LM14 also include credits in educational fields teaching in order to activate the route, aimed at teaching specialization.
- LM Languages \u200b\u200bLiterature as in the case above, this degree will revise the law to include new subject areas within which to achieve Cfu necessary for specialization in order to teach.
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