Education Commission: teacher training
E' stato approvato il DM 249 sulla formazione degli insegnanti . Con esso viene fissata una nuova normativa per l'accesso alla professione di insegnante nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado ( scuole medie inferiori ). Nella prima applicazione della legge infatti non si fa ancora menzione dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale per l'insegnamento nelle scuole secondarie superiori.
La nuova normativa introduce:
- corsi di Laurea Magistrale o curricola specifici riservati a chi abbia intenzione di intraprendere la professione di insegnante; tali corsi e curricoli saranno a numero programmato, in ragione dell'assorbimento che si può prevedere da parte del mercato del lavoro
- il TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) , che prevede attività didattiche presso le università e tirocinio presso le scuole, organizzato dalle università in accordo con le direzioni scolastiche regionali, anch'esso a numero chiuso, al termine del quale si acquisisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento per una specific class.
The University of Milan, while awaiting further guidance ministry, is preparing the necessary educational courses aimed at access to the teaching profession, as required by the decree.
For graduate students / graduates and those currently enrolled in degree courses, however, apply the transitional provisions of the decree:
- students who have already obtained a Master of Science (or specialist or four) will be admitted directly to ' examination for admission to training, provided they possess the requirements of the DM 22/2005 (the text that previously governed the subject) . Yes This follows from a shameful discrimination against those students who do not have those requirements and which are denied the chance to remedy their situation
- for students who are at. a. 2010/2011 enrolled in the Master will conclude their training and access after an examination for admission to the internship, as in the previous case, they will be permitted provided they satisfy the requirements of the previous standard of 2005.
Please note that the decree does not mention the possibility of acquiring, through individual courses, after the date of entry into force of the decree, any claims lacking regarding the requirements for access to training. It is recommended shall therefore in your study plan credits required for this since e. Courses individual whose registration has taken place within February 15, 2011 will instead be treated as valid
Tomorrow the Faculty Council shall decide on arrangements for education announced today by the presidents of the degree of Humanities and Languages:
- LM14 ( Modern Literature) and LM15 (Modern Philology): curricula are abolished (to support the minimum numbers of teaching Gelmini imposed by law), but it preserves the possibility of specialization through the choice of tests to be supported. The LM14 also include credits in educational fields teaching in order to activate the route, aimed at teaching specialization.
- LM Languages \u200b\u200bLiterature as in the case above, this degree will revise the law to include new subject areas within which to achieve Cfu necessary for specialization in order to teach.
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