- L'imminente pensionamento della prof.sa Cantarella produrrà alcuni problemi interni al settore disciplinare di Storia Contemporanea che the CCD in the near future will face
- The President congratulates the dott.sa Silvia Morosi for the brilliant results achieved in the degree course. Former student representative to the University of the Left is happening in the CCD Giuseppe Borri, always ON
- Please note that steps were taken to the translation of the manifesto three-year degree courses and degrees in English.
- The CCD takes note of my reminder sent to the secretariat so that teaching graduate students in special session in February may enroll in the Master of Historical Sciences earlier than 5 working days required by Regulation between registration and admission interview (the interview was set for March 24 and the limit date for registration March 31: there are 5 working days between two dates!)
- are assigned to the correlations of the master thesis (with funny comedians had to cut from the SIFA part of the title of the thesis, to the despair of teachers and in particular prof. Canavero)
- We come to the highlight of the CCD has been approved by the Court of Conti the DM17, the last gasp of the Moratti reform . Let's see what (get ready for the worst):
A) is set to degree courses a maximum of students on the basis of an elusive empirical calculation of the maximum number of students absorbed from the world of work in that subject area. If you were to stay within a degree course (but we are still, fortunately, the theory) the ceiling will have two options: increase the number of teachers that the degree course (because the calculation also includes the coefficient) or close their doors. Now, since there is no way to increase the number of teachers for the partial blockage of the turnover, degree programs will be forced to put a limit on the registrations (the infamous "number" well known to many students struggling with the entrance test for medicine, etc...) It is clear that, beyond the slogans ormai ben noti, i corsi di laurea di successo vengano penalizzati anzichè premiati.
B) Ogni corso di laurea triennale dovrà avere un minimo di 12 docenti e ogni corso di laurea magistrale dovrà averne un minimo di 8 (non potranno essere cumulabili). Per ora il corso di Storia non ha problemi a rispettare questo dettame, ma in futuro i problemi sorgeranno via via che i pensionamenti non saranno rimpiazzati dalle assunzioni ( blocco parziale del turnover ).
C) I singoli insegnamenti di ogni corso di laurea dovranno essere per il 60% corsi "di base o caratterizzanti" . Però il decreto è oscuro e non si capisce se tali qualifiche debbano essere regolate dai dipartimenti o dalle tabelle ministry: the difference is substantial because in the first case, the course is saved, in the second, as if it were already closed. Among other things the DM introduces a equation of researchers at the faculty effective, which would entail an obligation to keep between 80 and 120 hours of teaching (as per contract would not be required to do so). This is probably not an oversight but an act intellectually dishonest one hand while inserting restrictive rules on the number of teachers to share lessons and reference base, the other is opened "by mistake" by equating the researchers a window to the other teachers so that they turn to those teachings that would save the courses.
Il commento: tra colpi di coda della Moratti e caos dovuto alla pseudo riforma Gelmini (sullo sfondo dei tagli di Tremonti), l'università e le facoltà stanno vivendo un momento di incredibile confusione e apprensione. E' fondamentale che gli studenti capiscano che in gioco c'è il nostro diritto allo studio e il nostro diritto ad avere una università pubblica, libera ed aperta .
Angelo Turco - Sinistra Universitaria
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