Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Padded Oak Dining Chair

History Report from the CCD of the USA 9/2/11

- Vengono affidate le correlazioni delle tesi magistrali.

Nel corso degli ultimi anni sono stati avviati contacts with various foreign universities in order to increase the level of internationalization of the laura of course USA. The goal is to increase trade between Erasmus students and collaborations among teachers.

The CCD shall carry out the composition of the new Erasmus Committee (composed of teachers Bonardi, Bergaglio and Roditi) and the Committee on Internationalization (the same teachers and prof. Belinelli of Linguistic Mediation)

Please note that the boards of the course graduation invitations are posted Erasmus (as many as 11 this year). Applications must be received by March 1 and the admission interview will take place March 25. Please note that the minimum number of credits to be acquired abroad on an Erasmus of 5 months is 24 and a 9-month Erasmus between 40 and 50 depending on what was agreed. Examinations abroad are to be supported in turn agreed earlier.

- Regarding the reorganization of degree new regulations imposed by the ministry, please note that each degree course will have significant minimum of 12 teachers and each course's degree a minimum of 8 teachers. Early retirements and the partial blockage of turnover creates a serious problem of survival for degree courses (the faculty are trying to solve this problem by removing the curricula), and the CCD USA intends to take full advantage of the opportunity offered by agreement with the Unversità of Genoa.
It is progressing the establishment of a graduate program in the USA between Inter Milan and Genoa: a student can still attend classes in one of the two universities but will have the opportunity to take exams in the university also ( among the courses started in the two universities there will be no duplication, and the degree of Genoa has a distinctly naturalistic characterization)
The ultimate goal is to save HIS courses in Milan and Genoa and at the same time save the lessons currently active.


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