Exhibition of photographs of the trash room Chiara Tesi
Il 2 marzo inizia l'esposizione itinerante delle fotografie del concorso La Camera Chiara organizzato da Sinistra Universitaria .
Verranno premiate le fotografie vincitrici delle tre categorie previste dall'edizione 2010 (Cultura migrante - Milano by night - Riti quotidiani), che saranno esposte insieme a TUTTE le fotografie in gara.
L'esposizione verrà installata nell'atrio/corridoio antistante l'aula magna del polo di Via Festa del Perdono dal 2 al 9 marzo.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Days Of The Week Boxer Shorts
Cari Studenti,
Due giorni fa, alcuni studenti della nostra Facoltà hanno potuto documentare un episodio che si può definire sconcertante. All’interno di uno dei cassonetti del riciclo della carta hanno infatti ritrovato decine e decine di Tesi semplicemente buttate, avviate al riciclo.
Si tratta di uno scandalo davvero difficile da spiegare. Impossible to justify. It offends the commitment graduation of students, frustrates the considerable costs for printing and binding, and shows an enormous waste of resources. But above all affects the relationship between students and academic institutions, further away these two worlds, showing that our commitment, our resources and our work at the end are simply recycled.
The question arises: Why, for each student is asked three prints of thesis? Why we must deliver two (one for the archives and one for the speaker) then if the archive contains only the electronic format and the rapporteur from As the video shows, has thrown them away after a few months? Why should we spend on average one hundred
€ per person if three copies of the thesis then the only remaining "to posteris memoriae" is in our hands?
blame the bureaucracy of the University who do not want to abandon a tradition? Disinterest in the workplace and the economy of the students? Lobby of a phantom copy shops (do not believe it, but the situation is so ironic that a case could be ...)
The reaction of the students in the video, "deliver them to their rightful owners," "bring them in front of the classrooms," is really the first step to change the situation to embarrass the institution.
We all go from our speakers to ask to see our work and, if they are trashed, because we do ask print three copies. We have to go to raise the issue and get a change.
With the promise that we will remain vigilant to the problem and bring it in Faculty Council and Academic Senate , we guarantee you will not end it all with this video.
Representatives of the Left University of Political Science
Cari Studenti,
Due giorni fa, alcuni studenti della nostra Facoltà hanno potuto documentare un episodio che si può definire sconcertante. All’interno di uno dei cassonetti del riciclo della carta hanno infatti ritrovato decine e decine di Tesi semplicemente buttate, avviate al riciclo.
Si tratta di uno scandalo davvero difficile da spiegare. Impossible to justify. It offends the commitment graduation of students, frustrates the considerable costs for printing and binding, and shows an enormous waste of resources. But above all affects the relationship between students and academic institutions, further away these two worlds, showing that our commitment, our resources and our work at the end are simply recycled.
The question arises: Why, for each student is asked three prints of thesis? Why we must deliver two (one for the archives and one for the speaker) then if the archive contains only the electronic format and the rapporteur from As the video shows, has thrown them away after a few months? Why should we spend on average one hundred
€ per person if three copies of the thesis then the only remaining "to posteris memoriae" is in our hands?
blame the bureaucracy of the University who do not want to abandon a tradition? Disinterest in the workplace and the economy of the students? Lobby of a phantom copy shops (do not believe it, but the situation is so ironic that a case could be ...)
The reaction of the students in the video, "deliver them to their rightful owners," "bring them in front of the classrooms," is really the first step to change the situation to embarrass the institution.
We all go from our speakers to ask to see our work and, if they are trashed, because we do ask print three copies. We have to go to raise the issue and get a change.
With the promise that we will remain vigilant to the problem and bring it in Faculty Council and Academic Senate , we guarantee you will not end it all with this video.
Representatives of the Left University of Political Science
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How To Estimate Oil Temperature Cooking
The manufacture of your favorite graphic novel does not leave a spare minute, nor a neuron unused, pencil and ink consumed in abundance, tired eyes in front of the PC in the use of kinetic and tamarrissimi glow.
But it pays off. We are producing
unlikely to speed, we're giving it all and it is right that you enjoy it, even partially (for now), fruits.
So here comes the new update blo g!!
Please be patient if we can not post more, we realized that the amount of plot twists that do NOT want to ruin it is truly remarkable and greatly conditions the choice of tables to display!
you soon, con altre tavole e news dal mondo del
Romabot Centurion!!!!!
The manufacture of your favorite graphic novel does not leave a spare minute, nor a neuron unused, pencil and ink consumed in abundance, tired eyes in front of the PC in the use of kinetic and tamarrissimi glow.
But it pays off. We are producing
unlikely to speed, we're giving it all and it is right that you enjoy it, even partially (for now), fruits.
So here comes the new update blo g!!
Please be patient if we can not post more, we realized that the amount of plot twists that do NOT want to ruin it is truly remarkable and greatly conditions the choice of tables to display!
you soon, con altre tavole e news dal mondo del
Romabot Centurion!!!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Queen Bed And Cargo Van
in Political Science Faculty Council - February 16, 2011
E ntrata into force of the Gelmini Reform (Law 240/2010) and DM 17 (educational organization )
Ministerial Decree 17 provided that there is a minimum number of teachers for each are more curriculum-teachers need most is the amount of funds, so our faculty has been forced to abolish those curricula that would not be able to support financially. Completata la riorganizzazione dei corsi di laurea secondo la nuova normativa, ne verrà come sempre data comunicazione sul sito di Facoltà. Per noi studenti non dovrebbe cambiare quasi nulla , avendo comunque la possibilità di scegliere fra gli stessi esami già in vigore, e disponendo, al posto dei curricula, di percorsi “consigliati” per poter accedere alle magistrali prescelte senza debiti formativi.
Il Consiglio di Facoltà ha approvato la proposta di revisione degli ordinamenti delle lauree magistrali presentata dalla Education Commission of February 15, that is available on this point our guide Commission.
E rasmus
were published new calls Erasmus for the next academic year. Applications may be submitted until March 1 .
On 18 February at 10:30 in classroom Alfa (via Mercalli 21) Professor Gareau will hold a briefing session for interested students .
has been completed the restructuring of sede di Mercalli 21, per cui dall’anno prossimo saranno accessibili tutte le aule dell’edificio. Il problema, che potrebbe causare diversi disagi, è che proprio a partire dall’anno prossimo inizierà la ristrutturazione di Mercalli 23 (l’edificio più vecchio), e non saranno quindi disponibili tutte le aule di quella sede, che non sono poche.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Lo Hombres De Paco Streaming
Education Commission: teacher training
E' stato approvato il DM 249 sulla formazione degli insegnanti . Con esso viene fissata una nuova normativa per l'accesso alla professione di insegnante nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado ( scuole medie inferiori ). Nella prima applicazione della legge infatti non si fa ancora menzione dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale per l'insegnamento nelle scuole secondarie superiori.
La nuova normativa introduce:
- corsi di Laurea Magistrale o curricola specifici riservati a chi abbia intenzione di intraprendere la professione di insegnante; tali corsi e curricoli saranno a numero programmato, in ragione dell'assorbimento che si può prevedere da parte del mercato del lavoro
- il TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) , che prevede attività didattiche presso le università e tirocinio presso le scuole, organizzato dalle università in accordo con le direzioni scolastiche regionali, anch'esso a numero chiuso, al termine del quale si acquisisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento per una specific class.
The University of Milan, while awaiting further guidance ministry, is preparing the necessary educational courses aimed at access to the teaching profession, as required by the decree.
For graduate students / graduates and those currently enrolled in degree courses, however, apply the transitional provisions of the decree:
- students who have already obtained a Master of Science (or specialist or four) will be admitted directly to ' examination for admission to training, provided they possess the requirements of the DM 22/2005 (the text that previously governed the subject) . Yes This follows from a shameful discrimination against those students who do not have those requirements and which are denied the chance to remedy their situation
- for students who are at. a. 2010/2011 enrolled in the Master will conclude their training and access after an examination for admission to the internship, as in the previous case, they will be permitted provided they satisfy the requirements of the previous standard of 2005.
Please note that the decree does not mention the possibility of acquiring, through individual courses, after the date of entry into force of the decree, any claims lacking regarding the requirements for access to training. It is recommended shall therefore in your study plan credits required for this since e. Courses individual whose registration has taken place within February 15, 2011 will instead be treated as valid
Tomorrow the Faculty Council shall decide on arrangements for education announced today by the presidents of the degree of Humanities and Languages:
- LM14 ( Modern Literature) and LM15 (Modern Philology): curricula are abolished (to support the minimum numbers of teaching Gelmini imposed by law), but it preserves the possibility of specialization through the choice of tests to be supported. The LM14 also include credits in educational fields teaching in order to activate the route, aimed at teaching specialization.
- LM Languages \u200b\u200bLiterature as in the case above, this degree will revise the law to include new subject areas within which to achieve Cfu necessary for specialization in order to teach.
E' stato approvato il DM 249 sulla formazione degli insegnanti . Con esso viene fissata una nuova normativa per l'accesso alla professione di insegnante nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado ( scuole medie inferiori ). Nella prima applicazione della legge infatti non si fa ancora menzione dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale per l'insegnamento nelle scuole secondarie superiori.
La nuova normativa introduce:
- corsi di Laurea Magistrale o curricola specifici riservati a chi abbia intenzione di intraprendere la professione di insegnante; tali corsi e curricoli saranno a numero programmato, in ragione dell'assorbimento che si può prevedere da parte del mercato del lavoro
- il TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) , che prevede attività didattiche presso le università e tirocinio presso le scuole, organizzato dalle università in accordo con le direzioni scolastiche regionali, anch'esso a numero chiuso, al termine del quale si acquisisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento per una specific class.
The University of Milan, while awaiting further guidance ministry, is preparing the necessary educational courses aimed at access to the teaching profession, as required by the decree.
For graduate students / graduates and those currently enrolled in degree courses, however, apply the transitional provisions of the decree:
- students who have already obtained a Master of Science (or specialist or four) will be admitted directly to ' examination for admission to training, provided they possess the requirements of the DM 22/2005 (the text that previously governed the subject) . Yes This follows from a shameful discrimination against those students who do not have those requirements and which are denied the chance to remedy their situation
- for students who are at. a. 2010/2011 enrolled in the Master will conclude their training and access after an examination for admission to the internship, as in the previous case, they will be permitted provided they satisfy the requirements of the previous standard of 2005.
Please note that the decree does not mention the possibility of acquiring, through individual courses, after the date of entry into force of the decree, any claims lacking regarding the requirements for access to training. It is recommended shall therefore in your study plan credits required for this since e. Courses individual whose registration has taken place within February 15, 2011 will instead be treated as valid
Tomorrow the Faculty Council shall decide on arrangements for education announced today by the presidents of the degree of Humanities and Languages:
- LM14 ( Modern Literature) and LM15 (Modern Philology): curricula are abolished (to support the minimum numbers of teaching Gelmini imposed by law), but it preserves the possibility of specialization through the choice of tests to be supported. The LM14 also include credits in educational fields teaching in order to activate the route, aimed at teaching specialization.
- LM Languages \u200b\u200bLiterature as in the case above, this degree will revise the law to include new subject areas within which to achieve Cfu necessary for specialization in order to teach.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What Does Ringworm Look Like When Healing
If not now when?
Left University invites you to participate in the day of action to defend the dignity of women.
In Milan, the meeting is today at 14.30 in Piazza Castello.
Left University invites you to participate in the day of action to defend the dignity of women.
In Milan, the meeting is today at 14.30 in Piazza Castello.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Milena Velba Vintage-erotica
CL calls the "forgiveness" Berlusconi to
"Berlusconi for the libertas ecclesiae and the common good is entitled to forgiveness, and thus to govern"
After Anti Catholic posters in AM, the list of CL defends Berlusconi and his revels in Bicocca (as if the problem were the feasts and the heavy charges of extortion and child prostitution). Freedom of thought and expression are fundamental principles of democracy, but by the promoters of the vow of chastity and Family Day would expect more consistency. Finally
also Polytechnic is a document entitled " It will never make it better moralism" ( here the comment of our friends from the Left Terna, list of representatives of the Polytechnic).
take note and welcome with joy the end of bigots CL. We expect now widely signs of openness towards the gay world, with regard to equality through male-female relationship and for the recognition of civil rights to unmarried couples.
"Berlusconi for the libertas ecclesiae and the common good is entitled to forgiveness, and thus to govern"
Photo taken from the pages of the newspaper La Repubblica online |
After Anti Catholic posters in AM, the list of CL defends Berlusconi and his revels in Bicocca (as if the problem were the feasts and the heavy charges of extortion and child prostitution). Freedom of thought and expression are fundamental principles of democracy, but by the promoters of the vow of chastity and Family Day would expect more consistency. Finally
also Polytechnic is a document entitled " It will never make it better moralism" ( here the comment of our friends from the Left Terna, list of representatives of the Polytechnic).
Friday, February 11, 2011
Duplicate Car Title Pa
Conference on immigration, citizenship and integration of the CCD
Il Primo Marzo è la giornata dei migranti: ci troviamo il giorno prima, il 28 febbraio, alle 16.30 in aula 111 della sede di Via Festa del Perdono (Università degli Studi di Milano) per fare il punto sul panorama italiano delle politiche per l'integrazione e per la cittadinanza, cercando in particolare di capire quali siano i problemi e le peculiarità del fenomeno delle seconde generazioni, ovvero le generazioni di figli degli immigrati.
Questo dibattito cade in un momento politico particolare, con l'Unione Europea in preda al panico per il possibile aumento dei flussi migratori dal Nord Africa: cosa cambierà nelle politiche per l'integrazione nello scenario europeo e nazionale?
Second Generation:
28 febbraio - ore 16.30
Aula 111 , via Festa del Perdono
Università degli studi di Milano
Questo dibattito cade in un momento politico particolare, con l'Unione Europea in preda al panico per il possibile aumento dei flussi migratori dal Nord Africa: cosa cambierà nelle politiche per l'integrazione nello scenario europeo e nazionale?
Partecipano :
Giuliana Sgrena
Marina Gersony
Lubna Ammoune
Carlo Monguzzi
Franesca Terzoni
Seble Woldeghiorghis
Giuliana Sgrena
Marina Gersony
Lubna Ammoune
Carlo Monguzzi
Franesca Terzoni
Seble Woldeghiorghis
Informazioni tecniche sulla legislazione inerente alla cittadinanza: http://www.secondegenerazi oni.it/legge-cittadinanza/
L'evento su Facebook : aiutaci a diffonderlo!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
How Do You Import Files From Shareaza To Itunes?
Report 10/2/11
Il CCD si apre con le comunicazioni del prof. Canavero:
- L'imminente pensionamento della prof.sa Cantarella produrrà alcuni problemi interni al settore disciplinare di Storia Contemporanea che the CCD in the near future will face
- The President congratulates the dott.sa Silvia Morosi for the brilliant results achieved in the degree course. Former student representative to the University of the Left is happening in the CCD Giuseppe Borri, always ON
- Please note that steps were taken to the translation of the manifesto three-year degree courses and degrees in English.
- The CCD takes note of my reminder sent to the secretariat so that teaching graduate students in special session in February may enroll in the Master of Historical Sciences earlier than 5 working days required by Regulation between registration and admission interview (the interview was set for March 24 and the limit date for registration March 31: there are 5 working days between two dates!)
- are assigned to the correlations of the master thesis (with funny comedians had to cut from the SIFA part of the title of the thesis, to the despair of teachers and in particular prof. Canavero)
- We come to the highlight of the CCD has been approved by the Court of Conti the DM17, the last gasp of the Moratti reform . Let's see what (get ready for the worst):
A) is set to degree courses a maximum of students on the basis of an elusive empirical calculation of the maximum number of students absorbed from the world of work in that subject area. If you were to stay within a degree course (but we are still, fortunately, the theory) the ceiling will have two options: increase the number of teachers that the degree course (because the calculation also includes the coefficient) or close their doors. Now, since there is no way to increase the number of teachers for the partial blockage of the turnover, degree programs will be forced to put a limit on the registrations (the infamous "number" well known to many students struggling with the entrance test for medicine, etc...) It is clear that, beyond the slogans ormai ben noti, i corsi di laurea di successo vengano penalizzati anzichè premiati.
B) Ogni corso di laurea triennale dovrà avere un minimo di 12 docenti e ogni corso di laurea magistrale dovrà averne un minimo di 8 (non potranno essere cumulabili). Per ora il corso di Storia non ha problemi a rispettare questo dettame, ma in futuro i problemi sorgeranno via via che i pensionamenti non saranno rimpiazzati dalle assunzioni ( blocco parziale del turnover ).
C) I singoli insegnamenti di ogni corso di laurea dovranno essere per il 60% corsi "di base o caratterizzanti" . Però il decreto è oscuro e non si capisce se tali qualifiche debbano essere regolate dai dipartimenti o dalle tabelle ministry: the difference is substantial because in the first case, the course is saved, in the second, as if it were already closed. Among other things the DM introduces a equation of researchers at the faculty effective, which would entail an obligation to keep between 80 and 120 hours of teaching (as per contract would not be required to do so). This is probably not an oversight but an act intellectually dishonest one hand while inserting restrictive rules on the number of teachers to share lessons and reference base, the other is opened "by mistake" by equating the researchers a window to the other teachers so that they turn to those teachings that would save the courses.
Il commento: tra colpi di coda della Moratti e caos dovuto alla pseudo riforma Gelmini (sullo sfondo dei tagli di Tremonti), l'università e le facoltà stanno vivendo un momento di incredibile confusione e apprensione. E' fondamentale che gli studenti capiscano che in gioco c'è il nostro diritto allo studio e il nostro diritto ad avere una università pubblica, libera ed aperta .
Il CCD si apre con le comunicazioni del prof. Canavero:
- L'imminente pensionamento della prof.sa Cantarella produrrà alcuni problemi interni al settore disciplinare di Storia Contemporanea che the CCD in the near future will face
- The President congratulates the dott.sa Silvia Morosi for the brilliant results achieved in the degree course. Former student representative to the University of the Left is happening in the CCD Giuseppe Borri, always ON
- Please note that steps were taken to the translation of the manifesto three-year degree courses and degrees in English.
- The CCD takes note of my reminder sent to the secretariat so that teaching graduate students in special session in February may enroll in the Master of Historical Sciences earlier than 5 working days required by Regulation between registration and admission interview (the interview was set for March 24 and the limit date for registration March 31: there are 5 working days between two dates!)
- are assigned to the correlations of the master thesis (with funny comedians had to cut from the SIFA part of the title of the thesis, to the despair of teachers and in particular prof. Canavero)
- We come to the highlight of the CCD has been approved by the Court of Conti the DM17, the last gasp of the Moratti reform . Let's see what (get ready for the worst):
A) is set to degree courses a maximum of students on the basis of an elusive empirical calculation of the maximum number of students absorbed from the world of work in that subject area. If you were to stay within a degree course (but we are still, fortunately, the theory) the ceiling will have two options: increase the number of teachers that the degree course (because the calculation also includes the coefficient) or close their doors. Now, since there is no way to increase the number of teachers for the partial blockage of the turnover, degree programs will be forced to put a limit on the registrations (the infamous "number" well known to many students struggling with the entrance test for medicine, etc...) It is clear that, beyond the slogans ormai ben noti, i corsi di laurea di successo vengano penalizzati anzichè premiati.
B) Ogni corso di laurea triennale dovrà avere un minimo di 12 docenti e ogni corso di laurea magistrale dovrà averne un minimo di 8 (non potranno essere cumulabili). Per ora il corso di Storia non ha problemi a rispettare questo dettame, ma in futuro i problemi sorgeranno via via che i pensionamenti non saranno rimpiazzati dalle assunzioni ( blocco parziale del turnover ).
C) I singoli insegnamenti di ogni corso di laurea dovranno essere per il 60% corsi "di base o caratterizzanti" . Però il decreto è oscuro e non si capisce se tali qualifiche debbano essere regolate dai dipartimenti o dalle tabelle ministry: the difference is substantial because in the first case, the course is saved, in the second, as if it were already closed. Among other things the DM introduces a equation of researchers at the faculty effective, which would entail an obligation to keep between 80 and 120 hours of teaching (as per contract would not be required to do so). This is probably not an oversight but an act intellectually dishonest one hand while inserting restrictive rules on the number of teachers to share lessons and reference base, the other is opened "by mistake" by equating the researchers a window to the other teachers so that they turn to those teachings that would save the courses.
Il commento: tra colpi di coda della Moratti e caos dovuto alla pseudo riforma Gelmini (sullo sfondo dei tagli di Tremonti), l'università e le facoltà stanno vivendo un momento di incredibile confusione e apprensione. E' fondamentale che gli studenti capiscano che in gioco c'è il nostro diritto allo studio e il nostro diritto ad avere una università pubblica, libera ed aperta .
Angelo Turco - Sinistra Universitaria
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Padded Oak Dining Chair
History Report from the CCD of the USA 9/2/11
- Vengono affidate le correlazioni delle tesi magistrali.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni sono stati avviati contacts with various foreign universities in order to increase the level of internationalization of the laura of course USA. The goal is to increase trade between Erasmus students and collaborations among teachers.
The CCD shall carry out the composition of the new Erasmus Committee (composed of teachers Bonardi, Bergaglio and Roditi) and the Committee on Internationalization (the same teachers and prof. Belinelli of Linguistic Mediation)
Please note that the boards of the course graduation invitations are posted Erasmus (as many as 11 this year). Applications must be received by March 1 and the admission interview will take place March 25. Please note that the minimum number of credits to be acquired abroad on an Erasmus of 5 months is 24 and a 9-month Erasmus between 40 and 50 depending on what was agreed. Examinations abroad are to be supported in turn agreed earlier.
- Regarding the reorganization of degree new regulations imposed by the ministry, please note that each degree course will have significant minimum of 12 teachers and each course's degree a minimum of 8 teachers. Early retirements and the partial blockage of turnover creates a serious problem of survival for degree courses (the faculty are trying to solve this problem by removing the curricula), and the CCD USA intends to take full advantage of the opportunity offered by agreement with the Unversità of Genoa.
It is progressing the establishment of a graduate program in the USA between Inter Milan and Genoa: a student can still attend classes in one of the two universities but will have the opportunity to take exams in the university also ( among the courses started in the two universities there will be no duplication, and the degree of Genoa has a distinctly naturalistic characterization)
The ultimate goal is to save HIS courses in Milan and Genoa and at the same time save the lessons currently active.
- Vengono affidate le correlazioni delle tesi magistrali.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni sono stati avviati contacts with various foreign universities in order to increase the level of internationalization of the laura of course USA. The goal is to increase trade between Erasmus students and collaborations among teachers.
The CCD shall carry out the composition of the new Erasmus Committee (composed of teachers Bonardi, Bergaglio and Roditi) and the Committee on Internationalization (the same teachers and prof. Belinelli of Linguistic Mediation)
Please note that the boards of the course graduation invitations are posted Erasmus (as many as 11 this year). Applications must be received by March 1 and the admission interview will take place March 25. Please note that the minimum number of credits to be acquired abroad on an Erasmus of 5 months is 24 and a 9-month Erasmus between 40 and 50 depending on what was agreed. Examinations abroad are to be supported in turn agreed earlier.
- Regarding the reorganization of degree new regulations imposed by the ministry, please note that each degree course will have significant minimum of 12 teachers and each course's degree a minimum of 8 teachers. Early retirements and the partial blockage of turnover creates a serious problem of survival for degree courses (the faculty are trying to solve this problem by removing the curricula), and the CCD USA intends to take full advantage of the opportunity offered by agreement with the Unversità of Genoa.
It is progressing the establishment of a graduate program in the USA between Inter Milan and Genoa: a student can still attend classes in one of the two universities but will have the opportunity to take exams in the university also ( among the courses started in the two universities there will be no duplication, and the degree of Genoa has a distinctly naturalistic characterization)
The ultimate goal is to save HIS courses in Milan and Genoa and at the same time save the lessons currently active.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Indian Boobs In Europe
informational meetings for all courses for the Erasmus School of
Riunioni informative dei singoli corsi di laurea:
LINGUE : 14 febbraio, 12.30, Aula A1, P.zza Sant’Alessandro;
STORIA : 18 febbraio ore 14.30 - 16.30, aula seminari del Dipartimento di storia, settore A, II piano;
BENI CULTURALI : 22 febbraio, ore 14.30, aula K21, via Noto 8;
FILOSOFIA : 18 febbraio, ore 12.30 - 14.30, aula Delta, via Mercalli 21;
CULTURA e STORIA del SISTEMA EDITORIALE : 9 febbraio ore 10.30 - 12.30, ufficio prof. Lodovica Braida;
HUMANITIES ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND LANDSCAPE: February 18 12.30 - 13.30, room 33, via Mercalli 23.
LINGUISTIC MEDIATION: February 11, 10.30, Aula Magna, Polo teaching in Sesto San Giovanni.
Students of the Faculty concerned Erasmus University partners can learn about at:
Information desk ERASMUS Address: via Mercalli 23 - Milan, room 315,
reference: erasmus.lettere @ unimi.it)
hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30 to 12.00
Wednesday from 14.00 to 16.00.
Meeting informativa: 18 febbraio 2011, ore 10.30, aula Alfa, via Mercalli 21.Riunioni informative dei singoli corsi di laurea:
LINGUE : 14 febbraio, 12.30, Aula A1, P.zza Sant’Alessandro;
STORIA : 18 febbraio ore 14.30 - 16.30, aula seminari del Dipartimento di storia, settore A, II piano;
BENI CULTURALI : 22 febbraio, ore 14.30, aula K21, via Noto 8;
FILOSOFIA : 18 febbraio, ore 12.30 - 14.30, aula Delta, via Mercalli 21;
CULTURA e STORIA del SISTEMA EDITORIALE : 9 febbraio ore 10.30 - 12.30, ufficio prof. Lodovica Braida;
HUMANITIES ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND LANDSCAPE: February 18 12.30 - 13.30, room 33, via Mercalli 23.
LINGUISTIC MEDIATION: February 11, 10.30, Aula Magna, Polo teaching in Sesto San Giovanni.
Students of the Faculty concerned Erasmus University partners can learn about at:
Information desk ERASMUS Address: via Mercalli 23 - Milan, room 315,
reference: erasmus.lettere @ unimi.it)
hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30 to 12.00
Wednesday from 14.00 to 16.00.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Iphone Camera Adapter
Saturday, February 5, 2011
1996 Wilderness Travel Trailers
dream to be a fish and eat chocolate rocks ...
La giuria composta da Gianni De Conno (vincitore edizione Disognamo 2010) Emanuela Bussolati e 5 bambini tra i 9 e i 10 anni ha così deciso:
Vincitore edizione 2011 e copertina del libro dei sogni Federico Maggioni. Special mention to Giulia Orecchia. Prize jury of children Cristina Gibellato
The presentation of the book and the award of the participants will be at the book fair for boys in Bologna on March 29 15:00 at the stand of the publisher Pampering and boogers Hall 25 Stand 25B
La giuria composta da Gianni De Conno (vincitore edizione Disognamo 2010) Emanuela Bussolati e 5 bambini tra i 9 e i 10 anni ha così deciso:
Vincitore edizione 2011 e copertina del libro dei sogni Federico Maggioni. Special mention to Giulia Orecchia. Prize jury of children Cristina Gibellato
The presentation of the book and the award of the participants will be at the book fair for boys in Bologna on March 29 15:00 at the stand of the publisher Pampering and boogers Hall 25 Stand 25B
Friday, February 4, 2011
Something To Say For Bachelorette Card
Presentation of the Faculty to high school students
PRESENTATION ENTITLED 'MONDAY' 7 February at 10.00 in Aula Magna (via Day of Forgiveness)
h. 10.45-11.45: LETTERS (auditorium)
h. 12.00-13.00: PHILOSOPHY (auditorium)
h. 10.45-11.45: Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures (room 201)
h. 12.00-13.00: MEDIATION language and cultural (room 201)
h. 10.45-11.45: Science of CULTURAL (room 208)
h. 12.00-13.00: HISTORY (room 208)
h. 10.45-11.45: Humanities environment (room 211)
h. 12.00-13.00: Humanities Communication (room 211)
PRESENTATION ENTITLED 'MONDAY' 7 February at 10.00 in Aula Magna (via Day of Forgiveness)
h. 10.45-11.45: LETTERS (auditorium)
h. 12.00-13.00: PHILOSOPHY (auditorium)
h. 10.45-11.45: Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures (room 201)
h. 12.00-13.00: MEDIATION language and cultural (room 201)
h. 10.45-11.45: Science of CULTURAL (room 208)
h. 12.00-13.00: HISTORY (room 208)
h. 10.45-11.45: Humanities environment (room 211)
h. 12.00-13.00: Humanities Communication (room 211)
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